A travel guide to the best places to visit


Get inspired at Meet The Cities

Meet The Cities is a free online travel guide that will help you to discover your destination by showing you the best that the cities have to offer. Whether you go for a city trip, a business trip, spring break, shopping trip, a family visit or everything in between we will point you into the right direction. We cover the top hotels to stay in, where you can go for the best shopping experiences, where to eat if you want to enjoy some local restaurants and which museums offer the most value for your money in each city. We also help you with some practical information about the city like its history, the currency, its culture and the weather. So you will always be well prepared before you take off.

Enjoy our ever expanding list of guides.

Highlighted travel blogs

Our travel blog is a great place to start if you are looking for some great inspiration for new destinations that you might not have considered before. If you want to explore the hidden gems among the travel destinations then dive into our travel blog.

Activity guides

It’s a joy to wander through strange old cities and breathe in the local culture and the atmosphere. But to get the most out of your vacation it is a good idea to plan ahead. Take a few days to explore the most famous attractions the cities have to offer. So when you come home you can truly say you’ve experienced the highlights of the city. In our activity guides you will find some of the most exciting attractions each city has to offer.

Hotel guides

Every dream vacation starts by booking a neat hotel. A place where you can come home to every day to relax after a day full of exciting new impressions. That’s why every city guide has its own hotel guide, where we discuss the best hotels for each price class. From affordable three star hotels to luxurious five star hotels. All hotels are centrally located nearby touristic highlights.

European travel guides

Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands and belongs to the most popular tourist destinations in Europe. This city has a lot to offer to its visitors and is known for its beautiful museums, the many fun activities, vibrant nightlife and its open-minded inhabitants. Proceed and discover why you should meet Amsterdam.

Milan is one of the cultural capitals of Europe and fashion centers of the world. Located in the beautiful north of Italy this city was on the forefront of the Italian renaissance, which has contributed to the beautiful architecture that can be seen across the city. In Italy Milan is often considered the business capital of the country, which has ensured that many leading fashion brands have set up shop in the city. And tourists who come to experience Italian culture, who wish to shop for the latest fashion and want to enjoy the authentic Italian cuisine will certainly get exactly that. You can find more about this great historical city on the Milan page.

Asian travel guides

Dubai is the most populous city in the United Arab Emirates and the capital of the Emirate of Dubai. The city is considered to be the shopping capital of the Middle East and is home to the largest shopping mall in the world. Dubai is great in breaking records and is also home to the tallest building and tallest hotel in the world. Check the pages about Dubai to meet this wonderful city.

Kuala Lumpur has grown in a relatively short period from a small tin mining town to a vibrant and colorful metropolis. The city, also called KL, is a cultural melting pot and this has contributed to its delicious cuisine. Compared to other important world cities KL is known as a city that is also friendly for people with a smaller budget. Go further to meet the best of Kuala Lumpur.

Tokyo is a world city the size of a country, with a culture is as rich and diverse as any nation. Yet this exotic city in the land of the rising sun manages to be polite, welcoming, clean and homely. Combining the beauty of traditional Japanese culture with a modern lifestyle. Where people have a passion for old traditions, refined food, charming gardens and tall design. If you want to find out more about this graceful city then check out our guide of Tokyo.

North American travel guides

San Antonio is a lively and pleasantly warm city in Texas, USA. It’s a vibrant city with both a latin and a truly American vibe to it. Its architectural highlights make it one of the most stunning cities you will find in America and a perfection vacation destination, with some memorable all American historical sites such as The Alamo. Head over to the San Antonio pages to find out more about this often underrated gem.